If the universal law of attraction is always delivering what we're sending out then are we surprised that so many North Americans are negative and living in fear? How could it be any other way?
The law of attraction states that the universe is always eavesdropping on our thoughts and delivers exactly what we are asking for with the vibration of that thinking. The delivery comes in the form of our feelings and our feelings shape our lives. In fact, our thoughts shape our lives; if we change the thoughts, we can change our lives.
Think about what is in your environment every day. If you live in a city, it's likely that you tune in your radio to hear a traffic report before you head out in the morning. While you're listening, you'll hear a newscast; no doubt it will list all of the crime in your city and in the world at large. If there is a catastrophic event, you'll hear more about it.
There is no such thing as a "good news" newscast, it just would not appeal to our conditioning. At best, the good news is saved for the end of the newscast and used as a "kicker" to allow the news reader to lighten the mood.
Some argue that news helps to unite our global village and while there's a little truth in that concept, we focus on the sensation of world events. Many of us feel powerless in the face of the trauma of war, cyclones and earthquakes. We don't deal effectively with the challenges we face in our own lives, so hearing about and seeing the unbelievable trauma that others are faced with, simply puts us further into a negative mindset.
We live in a time of war, generated from a mindset of fear. If fear is what our world leaders are thinking then the universe will deliver exactly what is being asked for. A wise teacher said that all defence is an act of war and all acts of war belong on paper, so we can really see what is wrong and begin to figure out a way to change it.
We are at serious risk today of losing everything if we don't begin to change our thinking. If more of us stopped engaging in the negativity by changing our habits, we would begin to change what our thoughts are producing.
Imagine a world without that underlying fear, really imagine it....now you're thinking and what you are thinking will be your reality.